Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Good Day

Today was one of those days where I woke up sleepy but the sun was shining and it woke me up quickly. I finished a fantastic book (Mistborn). A friend from my second year of college chatted with me on facebook- she wanted to double check that I was the one who made the knit stuffed piggy for her because her second daughter loves it and walks around with it and sleeps with it. That just touched my heart. It's in the mid or upper 70's and not a cloud in the sky. It's gorgeous out so I went for a walk. On my way back I stopped at the mailbox and although we got the typical junk mail and coupons, and even an electric bill, it's ok, because I also received a book, My Single Friend, by Jane Costello, thanks to the lovely folks at Simon and Schuster UK. (I no longer wonder what book I'll read next :). And we also got our security deposit from our previous landlords- which we have been waiting for since June (Long story- not really their fault, not really ours either- lots of missed phone calls and miscommunications, 2 addresses on our part, etc. We visited our landlady when we were in NY for Christmas and she fed us (She's a older Italian lady- she always fed us!) and she hadn't known her daughter had been unsuccessful in sending us the deposit back (no clue what happened in the mail, they had our address at the time). She was quite upset, and kept trying to call her daughter (her daughter manages renting out the apartments upstairs, where we lived), and we gave her our most recent address and phone number- and today we received it after so long.

It's a gorgeous day, I have a new book, our savings just got a boost. I think I'm going to eat some grapefruit and then head outside to read until Tom gets home from work. I hope everyone else is having as good a day.

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